Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ghost Town Premieres on Daily Motion

Our new kids horror/comedy web series, Ghost Town, is officially launched on Kids Daily Motion! Daily Motion partnered with us to launch Ghost Town on it's new kids site. Daily Motion, based in NY and Paris, is a leading internet video site. Ghost Town will now be seen throughout the world. You can also see more info on the show at Ghosttownseries.com. Thanks to everyone who's helped along the way.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The new darling of the SunnyBoy crew is the Sony PMWEX3 Camera. It is amazing in low light, shoots 1080p and is about 1/10 of the price of the F-900. We are scheming ways to get one for ourselves. Here is some test footage from our Skate or Die shoot. Music courtesy of M83. Enjoy!

Sk8 or Die PMWEX3 TEST FOOTAGE from SunnyBoy on Vimeo.